In life, some unfortunate events happen. Even if you are usually very careful, there are times when you cannot control situations. For instance, you could be involved in a car accident caused by another driver. Your kid could have swallowed a coin or a small toy.
You could have cut your finger with a kitchen knife or an industrial cutter at work. The list of potential risks and dangers is infinite, and even though people usually don’t want to experience any of them, it’s not possible to avoid them all.
After these terrible events, what matters is for you to understand when you need to visit an emergency room. A visit to the ER at the appropriate time can be the difference between life and death. To help you understand what an emergency is, here is a list of reasons to go to an emergency room.
Difficulty Breathing or Shortness of Breath
If you or anyone you know experiences difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, it means you need to go to an emergency room. This sensation is often a sign of a condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is a pulmonary condition in which the lungs are inflamed.
Stroke Symptoms
Strokes require urgent emergency medical care, and you can be the hero and save the life of a person who may be having a stroke. Recognize the symptoms of stroke below:
- difficulty speaking
- sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, or leg
- “grasping,” loss of coordination, or numbness and tingling below the neck on one side of the body
- sudden understanding problems
- sudden difficulties walking, talking, writing, seeing, or moving.
Trips and Falls
Falling over is something that children do all the time, and most of the time, no lasting effects result from it, but sometimes sprains, fractures, or head injuries can result.
A visit to the ER is necessary for any changes in color, function, cold limbs, or deformity. A severe fracture that is not treated timely can lead to long-term disability. An additional risk of concussion occurs as a result of trauma to the head.
Sudden Severe Headaches
If you’re experiencing sudden severe headaches, they could be a sign of something serious. If there are other accompanying symptoms like visual changes or neurological effects, it’s even more likely. A trip to the emergency room is a necessity if you experience any of these symptoms.
Those who lack medical training may find it difficult to gauge how severe a burn is. Pain, for example, is not the most reliable indicator. A very severe burn destroys nerve endings, so heart rate can be estimated by measuring the size of the burn.
You should seek emergency treatment if the burn is more significant than three inches wide. There is also the possibility that long-term tissue damage can occur if burns form blisters but only become painful after deep pressure.
The scar tissue that interferes with normal function after a burn to the hands, face, or genitals should be treated right away to prevent discomfort and loss of function.
Health problems that require emergency room
Some other health problems that require emergency room visits include:
- Coughing or vomiting blood, or bright red blood in bowel movements
- Poisoning or exposure to dangerous chemicals
- Suicidal or homicidal feelings
- Changes in vision
- Confusion or changes in mental function, such as unexplained drowsiness or disorientation
- Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
Those are a few of the conditions and complaints best treated in an emergency room, although this list is certainly not exhaustive.